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Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

Well, we had a very eventful Easter this year! We started off the day going to my sister's house for Easter Mass and brunch. It has become a tradition in our family to have Father McCauley come to our house and say mass on Easter Sunday- this is so wonderful and we are blessed to have Father McCauley, he truly is a special member of our family!
(Michael with Father McCauley)
Then we went off to meet Geoff's family at Swan Court for lunch. It was so great to see everyone- Elizabeth and John are getting so big! Michael was perfect, of course, and he loved playing with his cousin Elizabeth!
(Michael & Elizabeth)
(Michael & Gram Gram)

Then we went to the O'Connor Easter Egg Hunt- this is always fun because we get to see everyone! The family is so huge, I usually only get to see them once a year on Easter. There were so many babies there this year! Next year is going to be even more crazy because they will all be walking! We will really have to watch out for the Koi Pond in the backyard next year:)

We eventually made our way home and put our No-Nap Baby to bed- he was not very happy about it, and made sure to tell me about it at 1:30 this morning:)

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god!! I totally remember father McCauley! I think I made dessert for Thanksgiving one year and he was there... WOW!
